Stichting film des forĂȘts foundation


Outdoors screening for filmfestival in Apchat, France    

Screen:  6 x 4 meter



Bergpolder, a neighbourhood in Rotterdam NL. "Film in de Buurt" ,every year in August

Screen:  6 x 4 meter




Rietaak Festival / Buiten theater in Drimmelen,

Screen: 4 x 3 meter








Dutch town Schoonhoven, September 2011

Drive-in cinema

Screen: 8 x 4 meter



For Chistmas, a wonderful and slightly musical journey through the district Liskwartier, Rotterdam, December 2010

Janna Kool has developed an animation, the projection was provided by Film des Forêts.

Screen: 4 x 3 meter
